Thursday, April 19, 2012

*OPC/certificate -- certificates, letters, food, rsvp list, Provost announcement?

*Sloan-C Blended Presentation w/DPI - Laura sending over today, send to Steve/DPI

*Updates on D2L eCommerce, Self-Registration (team incl. Latonia, Sharon, Chs/Sue?, social work, others?) -- cost of software, business plan, 10% fee to support infrastructure, staffing costs, time per course (see SM) - JB, Academic Dean's -- 3 break even scenarios

*Update Data Warehouse team, schedule meeting - Laura, Gisele, etc.

*Update on Learner Analytics (start team, refer to ELI Focus Session) -- same as data warehouse -- add marija or grad school, engage grad school -- ed mabry

*Student services group, including instructors (Marian, Sue, Patty) -- student guide to blended and online -- Bara coordinating -- need to put on page with vanity URL -- send to Laura for student distributing to new and only online classes...
--use teachers as sounding board over summer for students service groups reports

*2012-2013 OPC dates, time, (last Friday of the month?)

*OPC fall -- engaging DES, student services, adivsors in tacking institutional challenges with preparing online students, international recruitment

*Online programming guide, student services survey? 


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